Investigation of the relationship between empathy levels of midwifery students and the privacy consciousness
Empathy, privacy, midwifery, studentAbstract
Aim: The study was conducted to examine the relationship between the empathy levels of midwifery students and their awareness of privacy.
Materials and methods: The study is descriptive and relationship-seeking in nature. The universe of the study included students who continue their education in the midwifery department in Turkey. The sample consisted of 211 students determined using the snowball sampling method. The data of the study were collected by interview method via WhatsApp and e-mail using the "Personal Information Form", "Empathetic Tendency Scale" and " Privacy Consciousness Scale". Descriptive and comparative statistics were employed to evaluate the study data.
Results: It was determined that the mean age of the participants was 20.56 ± 2.45, the total mean score of the Empathic Tendency Scale was 71.33 ± 7.97, and the total mean score of the Privacy Consciousness Scale was 4.63 ± 0.37. Considering that the students take courses related to privacy, a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) was found between the privacy scale (p=0.049) and the sub-dimension of maintaining the privacy of others (p=0.014).
Conclusions: The data obtained in the current study suggest that there is a relationship between the empathic tendency of the students and the awareness of privacy.
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