Investigation of rational drug use and traditional medicine attitudes of elderly individuals with chronic diseases
Rational drug use and traditional medicine
Chronic Disease, Elderly, Rational Drug Use, Traditional MedicineAbstract
Aim: In this study, it was aimed to examine the rational drug use and traditional medicine attitudes of individuals aged 65 and over with chronic diseases. Materials and Methods: Within the scope of the study, the research was carried out between December 2021 and January 2022 with individuals aged 65 and over who applied to a foundation hospital polyclinics and had at least one chronic disease.
The study was completed with 152 patients who agreed to participate in the study. Questionnaire method was used as data collection tool in the research, and socio-demographic characteristics form, rational drug use scale and attitude scale towards traditional and complementary medicine were used. Results: In terms of disease diagnoses, heart disease (31.6%) and rheumatic diseases (27.0%) are in the first place. The most frequently applied traditional medicine method is herbal
product/drug with 34.9%. The participants’ rational drug use scale mean score was found (33.55±3.16) and was at an insufficient level. The mean score of the attitudes towards traditional and complementary medicine scale was found (29.01±6.06) and it was determined that they had a positive attitude. A statistically significant difference was found in the rational drug use of the participants according to their
income status. There was no statistically significant difference between rational drug use and attitudes towards traditional medicine (r=-0.06; p=0.45). Conclusions: While there was no statistically significant difference between rational drug use and attitudes towards traditional medicine in individuals aged 65 and over with chronic disease, a statistically significant difference was found between rational drug use and attitudes towards traditional medicine.
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