Examination of the relationship between organ donation and religious attitudes of healthcare professionals
Organ donation, health workers., religious attitude, spiritualityAbstract
Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between organ donation and religious attitudes of health personnel working in the hospital.
Materials-Methods: This descriptive study was conducted with healthcare professionals working in a state hospital in Ankara. In the research, the data were used from Organ Donation Attitude Scale and Ok-Religious Attitude Scale. The response rate of the questionnaires of 206 health workers participating in the study was 68%. Analysis of the research data was made in SPSS 21 program. Kruskal Wallis test statistics and correlation analysis were used.
Results: The total negative attitude, Fear of Medical Negligence (FMN), Fear of Bodily Injury (FBM), and Religious Attitude Scale Sub-Dimension emotion and relationship mean scores were generally high (p<0.05). Total negative attitude and fear of bodily injury (FBM) score averages of organ donors (those with card) were lower (p<0.05). While the total negative attitude, FMN and FBM score averages of the donors were lower, the HMC score average was higher (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The data obtained as a result of the study showed that the religious attitudes of health workers and the average score of the sub-dimension of benevolence, morality and belief, which shows positive attitudes in the organ donation attitude scale, were also found at a high level. This is important in that it includes items such as providing benefits to people who express the characteristics that health workers should have, offering a chance to be treated, and establishing a life. However, it is another result of the study that the positive understanding that the employees exhibit as an attitude does not show behaviorally.
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