Determination of perceived party support and breastfeeding adaptation and affecting factors in the postpartum period


  • Aygul Cacan Bingöl Devlet Hastanesi, Türkiye
  • Didem Simsek Kulukkelepce Lokman Hekim University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Midwifery



Midwifery, nursing, postpartum, perceived partner support, breastfeeding adaptation


Aim: The study aims to identify the relationship between perceived partner support during the postpartum period, breastfeeding adaptation, and influencing factors.

Materials-Methods: Conducted as a descriptive study between June and August 2023 at Bingöl Maternity and Children's Hospital, the research included 200 postnatal women who met the study criteria. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews using a Personal İnformation Form, Bre-astfeeding Adaptation Scale (BAS), and Perceived Partner Support Scale in Early Post-partum (PPSSEPP). Data analysis was performed using SPSS 22.0, employing descripti-ve statistics, Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis variance, and Pearson Correlation coefficient analysis. In evaluating the data, statistical significance was accepted as p<0,05.

Results: Findings indicate that the average age of women was 29,37±5,89, with 44,5% initiating breastfeeding within the first half-hour post-birth. The average scores were 57,55±10,05 (min.-max.: 27-83) for BAS and 38,79±13,05 (min.-max.: 16-77) for PPSSEPP. A positive, low-level significant correlation was found between the total score of PPSSEPP and the continuity of breastfeeding (r=0,175; p=0,013) and support recei-ving (r=0,273; p=0,000) sub-dimensions of BAS. Similarly, a positive, low-level signi-ficant correlation existed between the social support sub-dimension of PPSSEPP and the continuity of breastfeeding (r=0,143; p=0,044) and support receiving (r=0,192; p=0,006) sub-dimensions of BAS.

Conclusion: our research determined that partner support during the postpartum pe-riod positively affects breastfeeding duration, strengthens the mother-infant bond, and facilitates breastfeeding adaptation.


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How to Cite

Cacan, A., & Simsek Kulukkelepce, D. (2024). Determination of perceived party support and breastfeeding adaptation and affecting factors in the postpartum period. Journal of Social and Analytical Health, 4(2), 39–50.

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