Empathic tendency, life satisfaction, professional self-esteem in health students: A cross-sectional study, Türkiye
Empathic tendency, life satisfaction, professional self-esteem, military health studentsAbstract
Aim: Empathic tendency, life satisfaction and professional self-esteem are important concepts that affect the service provided by healthcare professionals. This study aims to reveal the relationship among empathic tendencies, life satisfaction and professional self-esteem of the Turkish military students of the school of medicine, nursing faculty and health vocational school. Besides, the study sought to determine whether there was a mediating role of professional self-esteem between the empathetic tendency and life satisfaction of the students receiving health education.
Material-Methods: Eight hundred and seventy Turkish military health students participated in the study with a survey participation rate of 95.3%. To analyze the hypothesized path model, data were analyzed using SPSS 23 and AMOS 24 programs.
Results: 61.3% of participants were male and 38.7% were female. Of the 870 participants, 439 were medicals, 323 were nurses and 108 were vocational school students studying at a military medical academy. Model data fit index values were found to be within acceptable limits.
Conclusions: The empathic tendency, life satisfaction and professional self-esteem levels in students receiving health education are high. There is a positive and significant relationship between the variables examined. It was found that professional self-esteem has a partial mediating role in the relationship between empathic tendency and life satisfaction.
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