Pender's health promotion model evaluation of gestational diabetus mellitus case
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors, Pender's Health Improvement ModelAbstract
Aim: Gestasyonel diabetes mellitus (GDM) is the most common metabolic disorder that is increasing worldwide. In this study, in the case of GDM; under the guidance of Pender’s Model; It is aimed to increase the quality of life by providing important healthy lifestyle behaviors such as nutrition, anxiety management and physical activity in GDM
Case: N.G., who came to the outpatient clinic with a complaint of decreased baby movements at the age of 32, was admitted to the service with a preliminary diagnosis of GDM and preeclampsia. Nursing interventions were made under the guidance of the model for the patient, who was evaluated according to Pender's Model.
Conclusions: It was concluded that applying the nursing care of pregnant women with GDM within the scope of the model is important in preventing both maternal and perinatal complications and increasing the quality of life.
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