The place of web-based education in premarital counseling
Marriage, Premarital counseling, Web-based educationAbstract
Marriage is one of the most special moments of life when men and women take a step towards managing the family processes, as well as share their knowledge about sexual and reproductive health. The World Health Organization (WHO) has adopted equal and accessible sexual and reproductive health services for everyone as the main objective in order to achieve the goal of healthy living within the scope of the Sustainable Development Goals. In order to achieve this goal, importance should be given to counseling services in the premarital period. In our country, screening programs are carried out in the premarital period and counseling is provided regarding the results. Counseling for protection should be given to spouses with sexually transmitted diseases. However, it is seen that premarital counseling programs are not systematic and continuous. A counseling service focused solely on premarital screening is unthinkable. For this reason, in addition to the education topics such as communication and problem solving that couples most need to manage the family processes, sexual and reproductive health education topics that will improve their knowledge and skills such as male and female reproductive physiology, sexuality, sexually transmitted infections and contraceptive methods should be given. . Women's health nurses, who see women and families in the center, can take an active role in premarital counseling services. Existing training and consultancy systems should be arranged accordingly.
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