Comparison of urine culture and automated complete urinalysis device results: A multicenter study
Urine culture, urine analysis, bacterial count, leukocyte countAbstract
Aim: The treatment approach of patients presenting to health centers with urinary tract complaints is closely related to the results of urinalysis. In this study, we aimed to investigate the consistency of complete urinalysis and urine culture results of patients admitted to Gulhane Training and Research Hospital and Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Hospital laboratories with similar complaints.
Materials and Methods: Urine tests of 218.022 patients
admitted to the biochemistry laboratories of both hospitals
were performed with a Beckman iQ®200 automated urine
analyzer and urine cultures were performed manually.
Results: When all results were compared, urine culture
and leukocyte count discordance was 11.42%, and urine
culture and bacterial count discordance was 6.46%. When
the diagnostic performance of the automated test was
compared with culture results, leukocyte count was superior to bacterial count (leukocyte sensitivity: 91.75%; leukocyte specificity: 87.92%; bacterial sensitivity: 6.45%; bacterial specificity: 98.42%).
Conclusions: When all data are compared, it is thought that
test, device, and human factors affecting laboratory performances are important in the approach to patients presenting for urinalysis.
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