Bibliometric analysis of health tourism publications by science mapping method
Bibliometric analysis of health tourism
Health Tourism, Medical Tourism, Science Mapping, Bibliometrix AnalysisAbstract
Aim: This study was conducted in order to bring a macroscopic perspective to the studies in the context of health tourism.
Material and Method: In this study, researches on health tourism between the years 1997-2021 were examined by bibliometric analysis method using science mapping technique and trends in this field in recent years have been identified.
Result: The data obtained in the context of health tourism, the year of publication, the most productive authors, the countries according to the number of articles produced, the journals published and the types of sources cited were examined. In addition, impact factors were examined with various bibliometric parameters such as the institutions the authors were affiliated with, the most cited articles, and the most frequently cited publications.
Conlusion: According to the results obtained by the analysis of the study obtained from the Web of Science (WOS) database, it was determined that the author who produced the most articles was Crooks VA and the country with the highest number of articles was the United States.
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