Investigation of nursing theses on heart failure patients in Turkey
heart failure, cardiology, nursingAbstract
Aim: This research was conducted to examine the nursing graduate thesis studies for heart failure patients in Turkey.
Material and Methods: This study was descriptive and document analysis technique was used to collect data. In order to reach the postgraduate theses, the Turkish National Thesis Database was searched using the words "heart failure", "cardiology" and "nursing". As a result of the search, 161 theses were reached. Since two of the theses were not open to full access, 139 of them were not nursing theses, they were excluded from evaluation and 21 theses were included in the study. The data were collected with thesis evaluation technique and analyzed through descriptive statistics.
Results: 18 of the theses are master's and 3 of them are doctoral theses. All of the theses have been studied for cardiovascular diseases. In almost all of the studies, psychological resilience, the effect of gender on the perception of illness, the relationship between health behaviors and psychosocial adjustment, the relationship between self-care, quality of life and sleep quality, activities of daily living and educational needs related to the disease were investigated in patients with heart failure.
Conclusions: The number of individuals with heart disease is increasing day by day in the world and in Turkey, which increases the importance of nursing care. In order to increase the importance and quality of care, it is necessary to carry out studies in this area. In this study, it was seen that the majority of postgraduate theses in the field of nursing for heart failure patients consisted of descriptive studies, and the number of theses with interventional applications was limited. In order to contribute more to the literature; It is thought that it would be beneficial to include randomized controlled studies with high level of evidence in which more nursing interventions are applied to patients.
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