Nursing care of a child patient with scoliosis according to NANDA-I: a case report
Nursing Care, NANDA-I, NIC, NOC, NF1 ScoliosisAbstract
Aim: The aim of this study is to create the nursing care plan of the patient diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) Scoliosis using NANDA-I, NIC and NOC systems.
Material-Methods: In this case report, data were collected with the “Pediatric Data Collection Form”. Nursing diagnoses were determined according to NANDA-I in the care plan of the case, and NIC was used in the planning of nursing interventions and the NOC system was used in the evaluation of care outcomes.
Results: The case is a 9-year-old male patient who was treated with the diagnosis of NF1 Scoliosis in the neurology clinic of a training and research hospital. In the nursing care arranged according to NANDA-I Nursing diagnoses such as, "acute pain", "constipation", "activity intolerance", "disruption in sleep patterns", "delay in growth and development", "fear and anxiety", "impaired dentition", "ineffective maintenance of health", "deterioration in self-esteem", "disruption in family processes", "impairment in social interaction", "risk of infection" were discussed.
Conclusion: The taxonomies used in the nursing care plan are important in the systematicity of the health service provided and in basing the nursing profession on scientific foundations.
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