Validation and reliability study of stigma scale in seeking psychiatric help
mental health, stigma, scale, validationAbstract
Aim: People are experiencing stigma while seeking for mental health in the community. Study was conducted to test the Turkish validity and reliability of the Military Stigma Scale (MSS) to determine employees' perceptions of stigma and barrier access to mental health services.
Materials and Methods: A questionnaire containing introductory features and the MSS scale developed by Skopp et al. (2012) were adapted to public employees and used. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes were performed for the validity of the scale through SPSS and AMOS programs.
Results:The average age was 38.38±7.85. 33.5% were men, 55.6% of them were university graduates. The Cronbach's Alfa coefficient was found as .877. The ratio of chi-square statistics to degrees of freedom(χ2/df) .226; root mean square approximation error(RMSEA).052.
Conclusions:Newly called "Stigma Scale in Seeking Psychiatric Help” is a valid and reliable measurement tool with strong internal consistency reliability. It could be used to evaluate public employees' perceptions of stigma in accessing mental health services.
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