Investigation of the relationship of green logistics applications with logistics performance in the context of sustainability
Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Green Logistics, Logistics Performance, HealthcareAbstract
Aim: Being innovative is an important issue for all organizations in today's competitive environment. In this sense, one of the most important concepts encountered in the literature is sustainability. Adopting innovative approaches in order to ensure sustainability provides organizations with dynamism and the opportunity to compete. When the literature is examined, the concept of green logistics is an approach that is recommended to be adopted in terms of all sectors, especially the service sector such as health services and transportation services. With this study, it is aimed to determine the relationship between the green logistics practices of the personnel working in logistics companies and their perceptions about logistics performance.
Materials and Methods: In this context, the relationship between green logistics practices and logistics performance was examined in the sample in which the research was conducted; Differences in socio-demographic factors such as gender, age and marital status of the participants participating in the research regarding green logistics practices were investigated. In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistical methods, correlation analysis, independent samples t test and one-way analysis of variance were used. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 23.0 program.
Results: In the research, a relationship was found between green logistics practices and logistics performance. It has been determined that green logistics practices differ according to the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants, their gender, age and educational status.
Conclusions: In the study, the relationship between green logistics practices and logistics performance; It has been shown that there will be increases in logistics performance thanks to the green logistics practices of states, national and international organizations. In addition, it is foreseen that with green logistics practices, significant contributions will be made to the next generations for the effective use of the environment and resources.
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