Does the health literacy level of women who care for hemodialysis patients facilitate the management of disaster processes?
Care, disaster, health literacy, renal dialysis, womanAbstract
Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between health literacy level and disaster attitudes of women who provide informal care to hemodialysis patients.
Material and Methods: This descriptive and correlational study was conducted with 120 women who provided informal care to patients in two dialysis units, one in a university hospital and the other in a training and research hospital in the Marmara Region of Turkey and who agreed to participate in the study. Data were collected between December 2023 and February 2024 using the Caregiver Information Form, Turkish Health Literacy Scale-32 and Disaster Attitude Scale.
Results: Patients who were younger than 65 years of age, mothers, had high school or higher education, had been in care for more than 10 years, and received hemodialysis treatment three times a week or more had significantly higher health literacy levels and attitudes towards disasters compared to others (p=0.001). At the same time, increasing health literacy level has a moderate positive effect on attitudes towards disasters (p=0.001). Two units of a three-unit increase in attitudes towards disasters were attributed to those with a good level of health literacy. In addition, mothers caring for their children caused a 3% increase in health literacy level.
Conclusion: High levels of health literacy among mothers providing care for children undergoing hemodialysis positively enhance disaster awareness.
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