An investigation of the effects of abdominal massage on the severity of functional constipation in preschool children and the quality of life of their mothers: A randomized controlled study
abdominal massage, constipation, quality of lifeAbstract
Aim: This study aimed to examine the effect of 12 sessions of abdominal massage on symptoms and quality of life of mothers in children with functional constipation.
Materials- Methods: Thirty 1- to 6-year-old children diagnosed with functional constipation and their mothers participated in the study. Children were randomly divided into 2 groups, and Group 1 received only pharmacological treatment, while Group 2 received 12 sessions of abdominal massage with pharmacological treatment. Changes in stool consistency and symptoms of constipation were evaluated with the Bristol Stool Scale, Constipation Assessment Scale and mothers' quality of life the Health-Related Quality of Life scale developed by the World Health Organization.
Results: The mean age of the children was 4.66 ± 1.68 years, and the mothers was 36.54 ± 1.71 years. As a result treatment, the stool consistency of both groups was softened, while the symptoms of constipation in the massage group were reduced. In addition, while no change was observed in the quality of life of the mothers in Group 1, a statistically significant improvement was obtained in the quality of life of the mothers in Group 2.
Conclusion: As a result, 12 sessions of abdominal massage application in preschool children with functional constipation were effective in softening the consistency of the stool, reducing the symptoms of constipation, and also increasing the quality of life of the mothers. Abdominal massage in children with functional constipation helps to increase the quality of life of mothers by reducing the negative effects of constipation in children.
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