The future of non-invasive prenatal testing and ethical issues
Non-invasive prenatal tests, amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, cffDNA, ethicsAbstract
Non-invasive prenatal tests have emerged as a revolutionary development in the field of prenatal screening by making the detection of chromosomal abnormalities safer, more accurate, and earlier in gestation. Non-invasive prenatal tests involve the analysis of cell-free fetal DNA in the maternal blood sample. Despite its benefits, non-invasive prenatal tests have certain limitations. These include multiple gestations, low fetal fraction, and maternal obesity. Ethical issues surrounding non-invasive prenatal testing have garnered increasing attention. Non-invasive prenatal tests were first introduced in Hong Kong in August 2011. They became commercially available in the United States in the same year, subsequently entering other markets in the following years. As of 2019, the global market value of non-invasive prenatal tests was approximately USD 3.5 billion. However, Non-invasive prenatal tests are not considered the primary screening method for confirming trisomies in pregnancies. Although the incidence of false-positive and false-negative results is low, these inaccuracies represent the primary obstacle preventing non-invasive prenatal tests from being recognized as definitive diagnostic tests for trisomies. It is recommended that non-invasive prenatal tests be performed in conjunction with other prenatal tests, such as USG, to avoid diagnostic errors and ensure safer analysis. As non-invasive prenatal tests become more widespread, profound ethical concerns requiring careful deliberation have been raised. These concerns include autonomy, informed consent, discrimination, and the potential societal impacts of widespread prenatal screening. This review examines non-invasive prenatal tests' clinical applications, advantages, limitations, and ethical concerns.
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