Bibliometric analysis of studies on heart failure, education and quality of life in nursing
Heart failure, quality of life, nursing, education, bibliometric analysisAbstract
Aim: Heart failure is an important public health problem, which is among the most common causes of hospitalization in middle-aged and elderly individuals. The follow-up of the latest developments in the management of heart failure in the field of nursing has an important place in terms of disease management. In this study, bibliometric analysis was planned to visualize the latest developments in nursing, heart failure, education and quality of life between 2012-2023.
Materials and Methods: Data Web of Science Core Collection data was collected on August 8, 2023, and bibliometric analysis was conducted with the VOSviewer program performance analysis and registered mapping. For bibliometric data; with the keywords "heart failure", "nursing", "quality of life" and "education", the screening research universe consists of 737 articles. Types of work; It was published between 2012 and 2023, is in article and early access only, and consists of 449 articles written in English.
Results: As a result of the analysis, the most used keywords were 'heart failure', 'quality of life', 'self care', the number of publications increased after 2016, the most publications on the subject were made in America and the journals with the most publications were European Journal Of It was found that Cardiovascular Nursing, Journal Of Cardiovascular Nursing, Journal Of Clinical Nursing.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it has been observed that studies related to heart failure and quality of life in the field of nursing show a continuous increase over the years, and it is recommended to increase studies for self-management of the disease.
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